Ps3 ccapi - это старейший сайт в рунете посвящённый игровой приставке Playstation 3, запуску сторонних программ и игр на ней. For all your Gaming Needs ControlConsoleAPI (aka CCAPI) is an API for PS3 and PC similar to TMAPI on DEX console. Разработчик "Enstone" из ControlConsoleAPI (CCAPI) выпустил обновление программы которое добавляет поддержку Download Links CCAPI 2.70 rev2: Rebug 4.76.1 D-REX: For all Rebug FW updates: Sorry this doesnt support the new Rebug 4.78.1 D-REX unfortunately. I tried it before I made this video. Для тех кто не знают о ccapi - это программное обеспечение, которое устанавливает связь между вашей ps3 и pc и в конечном счете позволяет управлять ps3 с вашего. Installation. Download the CCAPI package at the bottom of this page; Inside, you should find a folder called PS3 with a pkg, put it on the root of a usb stick. Another New Update Software Маленькая утилита для поиска обновлений для игр. CCAPI 2.60 CCAPI 2.80 CCAPI - это программное обеспечение, которое устанавливает связь между вашей PS3 и ПК, и в конечном. Subscribe: BUY A CHEAP JAILBROKEN CONSOLE: Follow Me On My Social Media's To Keep Updated Twitter: @UngodlyJames Instagram: @UngodlyJames Snapchat: ungodlyjames Grind Until The Day You Die Homies CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and another device such as your computer or your smartphone. You can control Опубликовано: 5 июл 2015 ; Today i am showing you how to install ccapi 2.60 on your pc this allows you to connect from your pc to ur ps3 like connect and attach to (rtm)- REAL TIME MODDING TOOLS PS3 How to Install CCAPI on 4.78 - Duration: 12:34. Kronologs 51,807 views. 12:34. CCAPI Control Console API Control PS3 With PC - Duration: 6:03. Bahrul Mutaalimin 8,385 views. 6:03. Inserting PlayStation discs into PlayStations (60fps) - Duration: 18:40. Вышла новая прошивка для кастомных (взломанных) прошивок PS3 - Rebug 4.82.1 с функциями Cobra. SO i know the solution is probobaly really simple, but when i go to connect CCAPI to my ps3 it says there's a connection issue, i've gotten While PlayStation 4 owners await further word on Swaqq's PS4 CCAPI 4.05 Port, proceeding his last updates today PlayStation 3 developer @Enstone. how to install ccapi on ps3 no jailbreak. Show Less. Tags : Freedom24 Фридом24. PS3 CECH-2001A CFW Ferrox 4.81 Hai, After installed CCAPI 2.70 rev6 on My PS3 CFW and use RTM Tool for BO2. Now, several Games suddenly got errors. how to install ccapi on ps3 minecraft oreberry bush farm grathaw subliminal secret expert lava soap for dark neck. Show Less. Playstation Development Wiki, Hacks, PS3, PS4, PS5 and Development Information. Прошивка ps3 4.82 без программатора Кухня Геймера 8 months ago Comment jailbreacker une PS3 4.80 facilement ultra slim/slim/fat super facilement. Installation. Download the CCAPI package at the Below of this page; Inside, you should find a folder called PS3 with a pkg, put it on the root of a USB stick. And Wireless connectivity is also supported. Since BC/Semi BC console use the same ps. ISO/PS2. Classic, you can use save files for both mode, but Non- BC console will have to use different save files per mode. When using Original PS2. EMU Non- BC consoles - WIRELESS ON PS2. CLASSIC ONLYNOT SUPPORT: CCAPI 2. Tested Homebrews: IRISMAN News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew. CCAPI ConsoleManager is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and your smartphone. You can control your ps3 with it. A few functions available: Game modding ( RTM ) Debug non-fself & fself in real time Wireless connection Modify idps and psid Edit console. OOPEN ME BUY//CHEAP MODS My store: Credits Recoreder: ME Hoster: MysticCFW Contact Skype: maxxyy.boyyz PSN: MysticCFW ­= Downloads MysticCFW's v1 Skype Tool: CCAPI LATEST VERSION: ­= How to get into my lobbies 1. Subscribe CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your PS3 and another device such as your computer or your smartphone. You can control. Download CCAPI Console Manager for PS3 apk 1.0 for Android. CCAPI ConsoleManager allows you to remote control your ps3 with your smartphone. Please Leave a like Hello everyone, CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and your computer. You can control Black Widow Sniffer is the Original PlayStation 3 CFW IP Sniffer. It pulls IP's from other players username E7ite what version of ccapi I need for ps3 jailbreak 4.81.1. 121 2. Reply. IIIiMvT. 2016-12-22. Hey I did it and CCAPI said This firmware can not be supported. Welcome to Depresso Grabber V6 The Best CFW PS3 IP Sniffer Purchase. Fast Pulling. You can't compare our software to Others. Our software is built off the PS3LIB by ENSTONE So Its compatible with CCAPI 2.60 - 2.70 and TMAPI. Use this function to connect to CCAPI on your ps3. This function takes one parameter the console ip for instance, ip can be const char ip = "". Всё о взломе консолей семейства Playstation. Обсуждаем вопросы касаемые взлома консолей PS3 (прошивки, донглы, способы запуска игр, даунгрейды, фиксы, патчи). I typed in the right ip I even tried re-installing CCAPI yet nothing work please. CCCheaterX for PS3 (Cheat with ccapi 2.7). Contribute to darkxex/CCCheaterX development by creating an account on GitHub. PS3 Jailbreak 4.84 CFW is the main firmware changed by 3rd parties (frequently obsessed developers). Furthermore, there are modifications made to get an extra open system consisting of assistance homebrew applications like multiMAN, CCAPI, Webman ControlConsoleAPI (aka CCAPI) is an API for PS3 and PC similar to TMAPI on DEX console. But this one "CCAPI" works for CEX and DEX. It will give you those features : Features: - Compatibility with console CEX / DEX / SEX. - Debug. Hello, I made a little Tool for all the lazy ones out there. :tustin: Yes you heard right, it generates Console ID's. And you can go Online. Hello GZ, thought I'd post all CCAPI versions up to this date. These are all the official versions and have not been modified. I know some people still. ControlConsoleAPI (aka CCAPI) is an API for PS3 and PC similar to TMAPI on DEX console. But this one CCAPI works for CEX and DEX. Download: CcApi_package_2.80_Rev5. STARBUGGED 4.84 v1.00 COBRA 8.00; Вышел взлом прошивки 5.05 PS4; 4.82.2 REBUG REX/D-REX + COBRA v7.55; PS3Xploit v3.0 - взлом PS3 SuperSlim. PS3 Developer Enstone has released a new version of CCAPI (Control Console API), this update (v2.80-rev.2) not only adds the expected 4.82 CFW CEX Support Welcome to the official homepage of LastTeamStanding. We have various products for the Playstation 3, such as the LTS SPRX Mod Menu for PS3, the LTS RPC/RTM 2017/11/13/07:41 記事を少し変更しました。 今回は前回書いたように、ハックカーの作り方です 簡単な箇所を変えるだけで. 6) modified ps3netsrv for network games (net_host) 7) prepNTFS for PS3/PSX/BD/DVD ISOS stored on external NTFS drives. How to install webMAN on a Cobra. Our Support. Our team at LTS strive to provide you with the best modding capabilities, and are always happy to help issues or problems Download PS3 Jailbreak 4.84 CFW free, all you need to do with USB in our PS3 Jailbreak 4.84 OFW to CFW and no need to downgrade All in one - Scans a package folder and serves them onto your PS3's XMB, Breaking the 4GB barrier! - by pink1. Bonjour, Je vous propose en telechargement pour les consoles PS3 jailbreak le custom firmware Rebug 4.82. Ce firmware contrairement au REX ne permet pas le switch. Vid os. Pour compl ter mes tutoriaux par crit, j'ai galement fait quelques vid os expliquant comment jailbreaker sa PS3 avec l'E3-Flasher. Cette application permet de se connecter une base de donn es contenant un CID valide et d’appliquer cette CID sur une PS3 via CCAPI. Le CID est chang. Note: Si vous ne savez pas comment installer un homebrew, je vous redirige sur mon tutoriel ci-dessous. Une PS3 jailbreak e est videmment indispensable. Dans ce tuto, nous allons voir comment r aliser nos propres jeux PS2 Classic partir d'un ISO PS2. Tout ceci est possible grace ce magnifique programme. Telecharger le dernier CFW PS3 REBUG 4.82 en version CEX ou DEX. Les mises a jour des homebrews sont galement disponible sur cet article CCAPI, SEN ENABLER. PS3パッチコード改造掲示板 - クレクレ専用への返信 (No.2116) by セーブエディター.com.